Saturday 21 September 2024

Butterfly in the Belly

Butterfly in the Belly
A butterfly does not turn out giant.
Four little wings that are brightly coloured and patterned woven into love in the belly. 

Can you feel the scaly wings of Laba-laba flying through our world in jubilant symphony?

Heart-to-heart, dawn-to-dawn.
Flying through the emotional camaraderie of brimming love, of forgotten hearts. 

A sojourn of exceptional feelings from first sight to this new chapter spun.

This butterfly never ages.
This butterfly never breaks nor runs at sight of sun nor rain.

Pollinates over geniune desires, feelings, and over recapitalisation that swallows peers.

It flies and pollinates with pride and purpose.
Beautiful, alluring, and fascinating among the rank of insects.

Mufaddol, may your foot be planted where friends and competitors come to drink.

May you fly and pollinate on even if the garden vines.

May your past progress be just a crawl to what your future holds.

Sunday 23 June 2024

When I'm Gone


When I'm gone and you're alone, would calls and texts cater for my absence?

Would it soothe the heart that misses the presence that leases?

Would our hearts grow fonder, as the absence grow stronger?

Would the seed of love blossom to ripened fruits when distance irrigate it?

If out of sight is out of mind, what of the epilogue of this story we fore sought?

If you aren't willing to go the extra mile, then don't even take the first step.

When I'm gone, would love go too?

...abdul cares

Saturday 22 October 2022

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

She wakes up by 4am, gives you sex, You sleep back, she will move straight to the kitchen. She would join morning devotion by 5:30am, start preparing kids by 6:00am, serve everybody food by 7am, take the kids to school and move to her office by 7:30am, go for school runs by 2pm. She would come back to the house by 5-6pm, start washing of clothes and cooking dinner by 6pm. Serve dinner by 7:30pm, start home work for kids by 8-9pm, Shower and meet you the husband in the room by 9:30pm, discuss with you and catch fun so that you will be in the mood for sex. And you the husband with your big head will sleep like a king, She will get up to check on the children if they are sleeping well, off the light, Start praying for you and the family by 12am -1am.. Sleep a little and wake up again by 4am to start all over again.

It's you who bleed blood every month with severe pains and crams. Even in those pains, you still have to put things together for a normal day. The cooking, washing, etc. It's you who carry another human inside you for 9months. 

The inconvenience, the discomfort, the sacrifice, and carefulness. You sacrifice what makes you happy just to keep another life healthy. When it's time to deliver, your life is on the line. It's a 50/50 chance for you. You may live and you may die. But being the life-giver you are, you will choose the life of a new stranger over yours. Even the process is not favorable to you. Either the pains of childbirth or surgery. After it all, you still carry yourself up and continue life activities with bandage and pains. But what is miraculous about this all is the smile you put on your face while facing all this. 

May God bless every WOMAN out there.

Tuesday 18 October 2022

Things We Do For Love

Things We Do For Love 
There are things that you'd love to hear that you'll never hear from the person who you would like to hear them from, but don't be so deaf so as not to hear it from the one who says it from their heart. Never say goodbye if you still want to try, never give up if you think you can still go on, never say you don't love a person anymore if you can't let go. Love comes to those who still hope though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe though they've been betrayed, to those who still need to love though they've been hurt before and to those who have kind faith to build trust again.
Don't go for looks they can deceive, don't go for wealth even that fades away, go for who makes you smile cos it takes only a smile to make a dark days bright. Hope you find someone that makes you smile.
It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the right person, we'll know how to be grateful for that gift. Love is when you take away the feelings, the passion and romance from a relationship and find out you still care for that person. 
A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go. When the door of happiness closes another opens but often time we look so long at the closed door and we don't see the one that has been opened for us. The best kind of friend, is the kind you can just be with never say a word and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had. 
It is true we don't know what we've got until we lose it but it's also true we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they love you back. Don't expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in their heart, but if doesn't be content it grew in yours.

To The Man She Chose Over Me

To The Man She Chose Over Me 

We’ve never met, and probably never will. I’m not even sure if you know who I even am. Honestly, I secretly hope you don’t. But we have something in common.

We both love the same lady.

Well, we use too. I can't say that I still don't love her. I will always love her. I'm sure every part of me still does, and always will. But the reality of the situation is she chose you over me.

Before I can let her become completely yours, I need you to know this.

I need you to know what I would have given her. What you must give her now. I need you to know how I wanted her to be my everything. How she must become your everything now. I need you to know how much I love her. How much you must love her now.

I hope you treat her right and love her as much as I still do. Put her first. Take care of her in the way she deserves. Treat her better than I was ever able to.

Help her to become the greatest version of herself. Always believe in her, especially when she can’t find the strength to do so herself. Support all her goals. Support all her dreams. Please, never stand in her way. Never hold her back.

Make sure she is always happy, even if you must put her needs before your own.

Be patient with her as she opens up her heart to you. Be kind to her. Be open with her. Treat her with kindness. Treat her with respect.

Laugh at her jokes, even if they are not funny. Love her even when she is not very lovable.

Forgive her. Forgive her for her past. Forgive her for her flaws. Forgive her no matter what. Forgive her, even if she does not deserve forgiveness.

Kiss her forehead. Kiss her every morning and night. Kiss her every chance you get. Make sure she feels loved every second of every day.
Give her the truest, realest form of love. The type of love she truly deserves. The type of love she has been searching for her entire existence.

Love her in a way she never thought possible. Love her without any hesitations. Love her with every fiber of your being. Love her like anyone, including me, has ever loved her before.

Love her family as if they were you own. Same goes for her friends. Immerse yourself into her entire world. Become her other half, her better half. Complete her in a way that I wish that I could.

You are truly one of the luckiest men in the world. You found yourself one of the good ones. Hold on to her as long as she will allow you. Never let her go. Fight like hell to make sure she will always be yours. Be the type of man she has always needed. In the end, I hope that you can give her everything I apparently wasn’t able to.

If she fully gives you her heart, promise me you won’t break it?

Promise me you will love her to the best of your abilities. Promise me you will never hurt her. Promise me you will never leave her.

I hope that she treats you better. Better than she treated me towards the end. Better than you think you might warrant. I hope she will be able to give you a life that you have always imagined. That she gives you everything you have ever wanted. Knowing her, I have faith she will.

I guess what I’m trying to say with all of these is; Love her like I would, if she had given me the chance.

You Will Not Get The Best Of Me

Heartbreak is Painfully Unfair.

We were once equals in our love. There was no unbalanced power or outweighing of someone’s feelings. There were no silly mind games we needed to play with each other. There were no words used as weapons, only words used as music to serenade our souls. It always felt too good to be true. And it was.

Now our relationship is reduced to a burning pile of memories that you set on fire through your unjustified doubt. It seems so unfair that I wake up every morning with a sinking feeling in my heart that clings to me for the remainder of the day while you live without this gut-wrenching wound. While you remain blissfully unaware of the true hell in which I exist.

You do not get to walk away with the best of me with while I walk away with little more than your cruel words and my severed heart. I feel hopelessly hollow because of what you have done to me. How can you walk away like I was a meaningless summer breeze that passed through your life? But I will not allow you to suck the joy out of me. I won’t let you make me lifeless and miserable any longer.

You do not have the right to delegate how many times I laugh today. I will take back my power and find the light that shines from within me, that burns even brighter in your absence.

You do not get to go down in my history as the one who made me whole; that is not a title you have the right to keep. You do not deserve everything that I left you to associate me with: compassion, love, and understanding. I gave you all that I had to give and you did not appreciate it. Someone else will appreciate these things one day.

Instead of leaving you with the soft kindness I offered you in times of your self-crisis, I leave you with knowledge that no one will ever offer you that same kindness again. I leave you with the sad reality that you will not find another who will love your flaws and cuddle your issues like I did. I leave you with the overwhelming regret you will feel when you realize that you let go of something that is completely irreplaceable.

You left me without breath immediately, but over time, you will lose yours when you realize what you have done. When you feel hollow without me by your side, when you see how deeply I once cared for you, when you understand that the love I possessed for you is so very rare, you will forget how to breathe and my absence will affect your lungs like instant poison.

I may have suffered a hole in my heart initially, but it is getting smaller everyday. Eventually, it will vanish and be filled entirely by the love I will feel for someone who is worthy of my heart’s completion. The hole in your heart will grow with each passing day, and I know you’ll feel empty as the years drag on when you realize that the person you were looking for all along is gone now because you let him go.

You have haunted my dreams with the recollection of your sweet touch and I have awoken with a pounding heart and a woozy head. But in the future, I will haunt your dreams and you will awake with consuming remorse because you will remember how incredible it was to feel my love. The thoughtful gestures, the comforting words from messages I had written you, and the eyes that made you light up with brilliance will trouble your dreams. It won’t be a nightmare. No, it will be the opposite of that. The only problem is that there will be no way to turn it into reality once again.

The nightmare instead will be the sight of me happily in the arms of another lady. You will feel jealous as you watch her hand rest on my shoulder just like yours used to. And when you open your heart for another guy, you will grasp everything that I was to you. When he does not challenge you intellectually or teach you how to appreciate the beauty of life, you will remember how I did those things. But it will be too late because I will love another lady who deserves the best of me.

I gave you the best of me at one point, but now I want to give you regret and a ridiculously high standard to set for every other guy to come. I am growing into a better person — a stronger person — and you will never get to know this version of me. I let myself shed a thousand tears over you and after I let myself cry and be overcome with heartbreak, I can now confidently move on and start anew.

So you will not get the best of me. I once gave you what I thought was the greatest form of myself but now I know that I can be so much more than that. You are a memory to me now and I would not change the love we once had for each other. But I want you to know that this heartbreak will not consume me for a second longer. I will feel pain inevitably because it has not been enough time for me to feel whole again, but I am through with the overwhelming sadness that you caused. I may be broken, I may be hurt, and I may be a little unsteady right now but I will rise up from this tragedy and be better than this broken heart.

You have stolen a piece of my heart, but it is a part that I can afford to lose — because it is certainly not the best of me.

Sunday 10 January 2021

Things that every girl secretly likes in bed, but she is too shy to tell.

Things that every girl secretly likes in bed, but she is too shy to tell. 

Because the male and female anatomy is very different, it is sometimes difficult for men to satisfy a girl in bed. But with following some tips, the result of a fantastic s*x life will not be missed. Men could freely say that women are a mysterious puzzle for which they constantly have discoveries and they try to understand what exactly girls expect from s*xual affair. Do they want a romantic room filled with candles? Do they want a gentle approach or quite the opposite, do they want wild s*x?

Here are some things that women secretly prefer in bed.

◇Kisses On The Neck
Kissing is a pretty intimate thing and allows a deeper communication. Women want when a man is kissing their bodies totally, especially her erogenous zone such as the neck. The kisses on the neck give her a momentary surge of excitement. Only one kiss on the neck is enough to experience the excitement. Some think that the hottest point is right in this place. It's a very sensitive part that can be sensual. Every girl wants to be kissed in the back of the neck, then gently the man's tongue to play with her skin. In combination with kisses on the neck, must be included the kissing of the ears, the "treatment" of this area for every girl will bring great pleasure in bed. It is well known that whispering causes the passions to flare up, but the soft touches of this area will make her wait for what's coming up in the bedroom eagerly.

◇Play With Her Hair
Many girls admit they like it when a man gently pulls their hair during sex. The fact is that stimulating the nerves in the skin of the head can be very pleasant. On the other hand, playing with hair strands or combing can help you get closer and have a higher degree of confidence, according to researchers at the University of New Hampshire. A survey conducted by a male magazine has placed "pulling hair" on the third most common aggressive movement in bed that women want. So do not be shy, but do not drag her hair too hard. In sex, everything should be "in the middle."

◇Play With Her Chest
Talk to your girl about how you can play with her chest. Some women do not like to treat them roughly, while others will enjoy even bites. It is known that the breasts increase slightly when the woman is excited, as many blood vessels bring blood into the tiny capillary surface of her skin. So give them more attention the next time and s*xually please your girl.

◇Don't Forget Her Backside
Believe it or not, women adore when they are grasped for the buttocks during lovemaking. Start by gently kissing along the spine and then fingering over the "background" until you reach the tail spray. Then stop. That'll make her crazy.

 ◇Long Foreplay
When it comes to foreplay, there is one rule - The longer, the better! This way, the woman will relax and reach the necessary mood for the further development of events. Couples usually start immediately with the main action, and while it works quite well, it's only about a raw passion. The seduction should last longer. Women like when men reveal the female body slowly, with their hands and with their eyes. For men, there are two types of foreplay: to be touched and touch, but most men forget that the most significant erotic zone for a woman is her mind. Every woman wants a foreplay that starts out of the bedroom. The best foreplay is one that includes mental stimulation. The excitement in women starts much earlier before they become aware that they want intercourse at all. A woman can be excited by the way you look at her, a statement or a "naughty" talk. A woman likes to feel desirable, and for all of this, you do not need to be in the bedroom. You can be anywhere and start playing foreplay in various ways.

 ◇Take Off Her Clothes Slowly
Too often couples are in a hurry to go to the "main course." Although this way may work great because it is a passion, it is sometimes desirable to go slower and more enjoyable at any time. Take it easy, take her clothes off slowly and let your hands and kisses slowly prepare her for what's next.

 ◇She Is The Most Important
Let everything turn around her. Women like to feel special and desirable. Try to make it all over again all around her. Some women enjoy a massage, some like when a man tries to learn everything to satisfy them. Some people need a conversation. Talk to you girl and find out what stimulates her and what excites her to give her that pleasure. Either way, do not forget to let her know what it means to you, but the work you do down, there is also important, not just words. Every woman wants to feel special, desirable, and she sometimes loves to feel like the only girl in the world. The woman to whom the partner gives it this feeling will return to her loved one with the same measure.

 ◇Girls Like To Take Control In Bed
Power can be a great aphrodisiac. And while some women prefer when the man takes control in the bedroom, some prefer to take control of the men. Some people just like to feel that they are running the game in bed or they sexually prefer the pose when they are up, and the man is down. Women love to be dominant in bed. Power is a powerful aphrodisiac for many women and men. By taking control of the bed, women want to show their power and be in a position where their man is submissive. For some women, the dream is to have a partner, sniff it in the back and have access to every part of his body. Others want to have the same amount of power as men and having just a dominant pose in bed is not enough for them.

 ◇Take Control
Sometimes women want to be dominant in bed, but sometimes they want their partner to be the one that will take control in the bedroom. Do not misunderstand this: taking control does not mean you have to be rough. In this sense, under the assumption of control, a man is thought to be self-confident, charming, seductive, respectful of the partner and her desires. When a woman wants a man in the bedroom to take control, it means she trusts and leaves him, allowing him to "take" her.

Although romantic and gentle lovemaking is welcome, sometimes women also need a passionate love relationship. Do not be confused by what they want: romance or passion. The thing is that every girl needs some dynamics in the relationship. Why not, sometimes it's a "dirty" story during lovemaking and sometimes they need an erotic massage, candlelight, and a glass of wine in bed.

 ◇Girls Like To Cuddle In Bed After Making Love

Use this little activity to make your girlfriend happy in bed. Boys, even if you have never been supporters of these moments after making love, you should think well to change that. There is nothing difficult, and women, of course, will appreciate it. The study, which brought these interesting results, in which 2,400 people participate, showed that for women, intimacy after sex is as important to them as sex itself, as it seems they always want attention. In other words, the answer lies in men, as many as 71% of women are satisfied with their men in bed if he stays for 6 to 10 minutes to cuddle after making love, rather than those who have not experienced such thing. Women admit that they feel very vulnerable after sex, and that embraces and kisses come as a comfort, in which way their partner shows them how much he cares about them. Even if you have never practiced this thing, here is one great reason to make a small change for you, but of great importance to your loved one.


Women can be a mystery to men, especially when it comes to the question - What women want to do during sex or before it? How can a man s*xually please his woman? But there are those who are not ashamed and afraid to say what they secretly want.

Butterfly in the Belly

Butterfly in the Belly A butterfly does not turn out giant. Four little wings that are brightly coloured and patterned woven int...