Friday 28 July 2017

Picture of the day

Don't stop helping others no matter how little your effort could be. Remember our prime purpose in this life is to help each other if you cannot help them don't add to their problem.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Be Certain!

Every open eye is not seeing and every closed eye is not sleeping.

People (things) are not always as they appear to be. The fact that someone doesn't talk about something, doesn't mean they are not aware of what you're doing to them.

The fact that a person is not open about something, does not mean they are not doing anything about it. For all you know, a closed eye could mean the person is praying or perhaps that eye is dysfunctional. It also means a closed door is not necessarily a closed opportunity.

The second part means , the fact that someone is looking doesn't mean they are seeing. The eyes you think are critically observing things may only be
casually looking at things. Don't be quick to draw conclusions about people.

Be certain!

Ability to Forgive and Forget

Do you know that we live in societies where retaliation/revenge (unforgiveness) is seen as toughness/strength rather than weakness. But, don't be flattered, when folks praise you for being unforgiving, its actually a major weakness. Hey friends it takes more strength to forgive than to bear grudges or revenge. It takes big people to forgive and overlook offences; little folks can't do that.

One thing I can assure you is this, no man, aiming for the top, can afford the "luxury" of extra baggages called unforgiveness. Unforgiveness hinders progress; it wastes today trying to get back at yesterday thereby, losing tomorrow..

Did You Know?

A RABBIT runs, jumps, moves faster and lives for only fifteen (15) years while a TORTOISE doesn't even attempt any of such activities but lives for 150 years or more?

LESSON: Life is not about rushing, comparison and doing what others are doing but rather keep calm and do what is right and what you are called to do. They may live in the same forest and play together but have different life expectancy. We must remember that we will have age mates, class mates, school mates, office mates but there are no 'Destiny mates' in life. Be who you are called to be, love who you are and thank God for your special journey which may not look like others!! This is the simplest way to succeed in life!! God Bless you, and keep looking forward because those beside you are not going where you are exactly going!!!

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Power of I am Sorry


*I am sorry,* a short but mighty sentence!

If you wish to live long, don't joke with this short sentence, *I am sorry.* Do you know how many people who had gone to early grave because they neglected the therapeutic power of *I am sorry.*

Single sorry can stop a war, n prevents millions of men, women including children from dying!

Most of the troubles in most homes are heightened because wives are too big to say *I am sorry* to their husbands and you can trust the ego of  husbands in saying same to their wives.

Quarrel lingers between friends because no party wants to say *I am sorry.* Each says or asks, why should I be the first to say *I am sorry?* He or she would beat his or her chest and utter the ego phrase, *a whole me!*

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the part of the world where saying *I am sorry* is a hard nut to crack while curses are easily unleashed.

Welcome to the part of the world where people refer to a person who says *I am sorry* in a midst of a rift as a *weaker sex*: one who is not man enough; one who is foolish.

Welcome to Africa where saying *I am sorry* is tougher than forcing a donkey to pass  through a needle hole. 

All of us are victims of this discussion. We have lost valuable assets, money and even lives because of this cheap and affordable sentence *I am sorry.* It simply cost only a breath of speech.

Have you ever wondered why domestic violence is less pronounced in the western world? It is simply because they understand the efficacy of *I am sorry.*

Husbands say it to their wives and even children whenever they err, wives and children do the same  and life goes on fine.

Friends, this is simply a piece to encourage us to cultivate  a habit of saying *I am sorry.* It is difficult but readily affordable.

Learn how to say *I AM SORRY* even if you are right.

If this message offends you in one way or the other, *I am sorry*
My apologies.

Monday 24 July 2017

Debate of the day

Debate Of The Day.

A man wants to marry from his village. He lives in Abuja, as a result he sent some money to his father in the village to find him a good wife. His father made a good choice and took all the necessary steps concerning the in-laws of his son. Now he decides to send the wife to his son in the city. He gives her the address of his son. But she arrived the city late. As she gets outside the motor park, the lady wanted to take a taxi to the indicated address. However, she was offered a lift by her husband unknowingly on his way home late from work. The guy took her straight to a hotel and spent the night with her. The next morning, each of them go their separate ways. She took another taxi which finally took her to her husbands house. To her biggest surprise, it's the man with whom she spent the night with in the hotel.

The question is: :
if you were the man or the woman, how would you react?
Men and women, defend yourselves.
The debate is open.

Funny fact 24/7

Just a reminder to all married people:

If you have promised ur wife or husband  that you will love her or him 24/7

then today is 24/7 😜


Successful people have two things on their lips, "smile and silence". Smile can solve problem while Silence can avoid problems.

Sugar and salt may be mixed together but ants reject the salt and carry away only the sugar. Select the right people in life and make your life better and sweeter.

If you fail to achieve your dreams, change your ways not your God. Remember, trees change their leaves and not their roots.

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones to every dog that barks.

Haters will see you walking on water and say its because you can't swim. Even if you dance on water, your enemies will accuse you of raising dust.

Make it your ambition to live a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hands.

Remember, don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it.

Sunday 23 July 2017


A RELATIONSHIP is not about having a handsome boyfriend or having a beautiful girlfriend. It’s not about looking for a perfect person because there isn’t any perfect person on earth. It’s not about looking for a well-off or rich person. MONEY CAN’T BUY LOVE. A relationship is about finding someone who respects you. Who cares about you in any way he/ she can afford. Who understands you. Who is proud of having you. Who loves you the way you are. Who is faithful to you. W ho knows how to comfort you. Who knows how to encourage you . Who would accept the worst of you. Who will go through everything without giving up on you. Such people are very rare to find these days. If you have got one, just keep that person. Handle him or her with care, be honest and contented with that person and don’t ever think of hurting or letting down that special person.


Facts of Life: 1.Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things not the price. 2. "Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food". 3. The One who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up on you, he will find one reason to hold on. 4. There is a lot of difference between human being and being human. A Few understand it. 5. You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between. You have to manage...! If you want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone.! But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together..!! Six Best Doctors in the World; 1. Sunlight 2. Rest 3. Exercise 4. Diet 5. Self Confidence 6. Friends Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life If you see the moon; You see the beauty of God. If you see the Sun; You see the power of God. And If you see the Mirror; You see the best Creation of GOD . So Believe in YOURSELF. We all are tourists and God is our travel agent who already fixed all our Routes Reservations and Destinations So! Trust him and Enjoy the "Trip" called LIFE.


1. Can you cry under water? 2. Do fishes ever get thirsty? 3. Why don’t birds fall off trees when they sleep? 4. Why is it called building when it is already built? 5. When they say dog food is new and improved, who tastes it? 6. “I Love You” is not a question then why does it need an answer? 7. Why does round pizza come in a square box? 8. Why doesn’t glue stick to its bottle? 9. If money doesn’t grow on trees then why do banks have branches? Don't be confused! Remember that, nothing in nature lives for itself. ¤ Rivers don't drink their own water. ¤ Trees don't eat their own fruit. ¤The Sun doesn't produce heat for itself, and the moon never goes on a honeymoon. Living for Others is the Rule of Nature. Be each others keeper and be glorious.. Be a blessing to others Share with others...


WHAT A HUSBAND TOLD HIS WIFE THE NIGHT OF THEIR MARRIAGE/ WEDDING My wife, everyone has gone home. The music is quiet, the celebration is over. Our wedding was beautiful but it is now in the past. We have finished the wedding/marriage, it is now time to build our marriage. All that is left now is the two of us… What we will become tomorrow, starts from tonight. Our life is no longer the same. There was a day you put on one red dress… You looked so beautiful in it. That Day I wanted to just touch you! We were in the Cinema and I was so tempted. I wanted to just take you inside the toilet and kiss you but I couldn’t. Guess what? Now I have you forever, I can do that everyday. Before I take off your cloth and make love to you… let me tell you few things. I have nothing to hide from you from this day. My phone, you can use it like your own. You can access my facebook, my twitter and my Instagram From today, I have become a child. For the past five years of my life, I have been a man. I wake myself up in the morning, sometimes I go to bed hungry, I do things the way I want to. I come home whenever I want to but all that ends today. From today you become my mother, who will scold me when I come home late, a mother who will wake me up at six to go work, a mother who will ensure I don’t sleep hungry. I am glad I have a mother in you. I hope you will be a good mother? Don’t be too harsh and I promise I won’t be too stubborn. Sometimes I will give you headache but I promise, I will also be the cure of every headache. When my parents died, I looked after my brothers and sisters. I was like a father to them. So i will not have problem being a father to you. Hope all men wil be as nice as dis. Let treat women like egg. Women are precious, they value alot. Why not share this post by clicking on the share button below? Maybe you can touch someone! Sakina Ainooson ur cry is soo beautiful.


WHAT A MOTHER TOLD HER SON A DAY BEFORE HIS WEDDING Mummy’s boy, you are now a man. Tomorrow you will have a new mother, a new cook and a new person to share all your secrets with. It will no longer be me but her. Love your new mum even more than you love me. Before you walk into her arms forever, let me give you some words to guide you. There was a day I was arguing with your father. We were screaming. Tempers were high. I was angry and He was angry. Then I called him an idiot! He was shocked. He looked at me asking how dare I call him that. I immediately started calling him idiot, fool, stupid, crazy. I called him all sort of name. Guess what he did? He didn’t raise his hands to hit me. He just walked away, banging the door as he went out. My Son, If your father had hit me and destroyed my eyes, how will you feel sitting here with me today? How will you regard him as your father? Would you have been proud of him or would you be blaming me for calling him names? Never hit your wife! No matter the provocation just walk away and things will be normal. Whenever she offends you, think of this story I just told you, it could have been your mum! Before I forget, after he left, I was filled with guilt. We slept on same bed that night and I went to him the next day. I pleaded with him, I did all I could to show am sorry and he forgave me. That day I cooked his favourite food, yes you know he loves Affang soup right? After that day, I never called him names, my respect for him was ten times stronger. There is something very important you must always do, my son listen very carefully, defend your wife. When she is under pressure, stand by her. If your friends hates her, it is your duty to make them see her as a Queen. Your Uncle, I mean Uncle Udeme never liked me. But your father was always supportive until his perception changed. There was a day your Father was going to host the owner of his company and friends. They were three of them. That day I was in the kitchen cooking for them and your father went to buy drinks. When the table was set and food was served. Everyone started eating. Then I remembered I did not add salt in the food. I was embarrassed. Your father tasted the food and looked at me. He immediately turned to the guests. He told them that he instructed his wife last month not to add salt whenever she is cooking because of some problem with his body. He said it in a funny way and everyone laughed! The guests understood and he asked me to bring salt and everyone added according to their taste. He managed to eat the food without salt. After the guest left, he went on his knees and asked God to forgive him for lying. Your wife is like a baby, sometimes she don’t know what to say or do. Stand up and speak for her! Now let me talk to you about sex. You see sex is a wonderful thing. Do not be surprised if your wife enjoy and need sex more than you do. There were days, I needed sex more than your father and there were days he needed it more than me but the important thing is to always try to satisfy the other when they need you. Don’t always think of yourself. There was a time things were hard and I needed to do two jobs to support your father. One night I was so tired. When I got to bed he was in the mood. He try to make love to me and I didn’t refuse him. I was tired but I felt I needed to be there when he need me. When he tried undressing me, he saw my look and he stopped. He asked what was wrong and I said nothing. But he understand me better. He stopped and then started telling me stories until I fell asleep. My son, Sex is best enjoyed when the two parties are physically and mentally ready for it. Sometimes, read your wife and understand her. Make it a habit to go anywhere with your wife. Beside your job, move around with her. If anyone invite you to his house and told you not to come with your wife then be very careful. Use wisdom. I know you love mummy… I know you tell me all your problems. But now things will be different. Let your wife be the first to know before me. Let her be the first to see before me. When you have problems with her don’t run to me immediately. Wait for a day to pass and then talk to her about it. Pray about it. Report her to nobody but talk issues out within yourself. Finally, don’t forget to come and visit me with your wife every month! I know you will have a happy home. You will always be mummy’s boy. God will bless your home. Please don't forgot God, pray and seek His assistance always. REPRODUCE THIS TO SOMEONE WIFE/HUSBAND.

What would you tell your younger self if you could?

What I would tell my younger self if I could. (1). 'Avoid negativity and embrace positivity', (2). 'Learn to be kind and love myself', (3). 'I need to experiment and renew myself everyday'. (4). 'If the dark night can turn to a brighter day; I'm sure of myself.' (5). 'Never get tired of doing things.' (6). '..the most important thing is to always be myself and believe in myself'.


WHAT IS THIS LIFE? A man is born today, Tomorrow he is dead. A man lives in a mansion today, Tomorrow he lives underground. A man drives a car today, Tomorrow an ambulance drives him. A man reads biology today, Tomorrow a biography is been read of him. A man eats whatever he wants today, Tomorrow he becomes food for insects. A man is always early for work today, Tomorrow he is termed late Mr/Mrs. A man is seen resting in his house today, Tomorrow he is resting in a coffin. And they say "Rest In Peace"! A man eats all kinds of fruits in his house today, Tomorrow he becomes manure to those trees. A man is known today as the richest man ever, Tomorrow he doesn't even know where or what will happen to his riches. What is life after all? Plan your life because you may not see tomorrow. But when your life is well planned you won't Be afraid of any thing.

To all the Soldiers on the battle field

To all the soldiers on the battle field, you need not to tell me; I know how you feel. Carrying the nation on your shoulders, Traveling to lands both near and far, Standing on your post and keeping guard. Thank you for not breaking the promises and I will always pray for you in return..#RESPECT

Military Life

We both left home at 18. You cleared JAMB I got recommended. You got UNIVERSITY. I got NDA. You pursued your degree, I had the toughest training. Your day started at 7am and ended at 5pm. Mine started at 4am till 9pm and some nights also included. You had your convocation ceremony. I had my POP. Best company took you and best package was awarded. I was ordered to join my platoon with 2 stars piped on my shoulders. You got a job. I got a way of life. Every eve you got to see your family. I just wished i got to see my parents soon. You celebrated festivals with lights and music. I celebrated with my comrade in bunkers. We both married. Your wife got to see you everyday. My wife just wished I was alive. You were sent to business trips. I was sent on line of control. We both returned. Both wives couldn't control their tears and you wiped hers, but I couldn't. You hugged her, but I couldn't. Because I was lying in the coffin, with medals on my chest and coffin wrapped with tricolour. My way of life ended. Yours continued. Remember, we both left home at 18. I dedicate this to every soldier out there, we don't understand what you do and the sacrifices you make, but know that we are eternally grateful! Please share let them know we care! We are proud of them! #RESPECT

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman She wakes up by 4am, gives you sex, You sleep back, she will move straight to the kitchen. She would join morning d...