Wednesday 19 September 2018

If You Get In Bed With My Heart, You Get In Bed With My Hurts Too

You are not with me If you want to be with me be here or get the fuck out the woman with fangs inside my heart yells yes get the fuck out with all the other men who acted as if it was a burden to love me with the presence I deserved the moment I shot from the womb I am tired from zombies walking eating my heart without paying attention be here with me or I’ll flick your head off as I walk into a love where presence isn’t a burden but a sacred gift an effortless choice made with joy as we are living with our eyes rested wholly on each other’s hearts I’ve had a dad who didn’t show up a boyfriend who didn’t sell the guitar so he didn’t have money to buy a ticket to make the abortion appointment and moms weren’t allowed in just boyfriends I’ve had men say I’m coming yet never buy a ticket I have abandoned myself so deeply by holding space for love that isn’t love that you are walking on fire because we do not yet have concrete and you’re only 3 toes in from where I stand and only 10 toes in count it isn’t rocket science it’s heart science and tonight you get a B minus yes I’m hurt of course I’m hurt and some of these hurts aren’t yours but if you get in bed with my heart you get in bed with my hurts too

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