Wednesday 19 September 2018

Woman refuses taking her daughter for surgery in Delta state, after receiving 400k for her surgery

A woman identified as Mrs. Elohor Jike, has been called out on social media for allegedly refusing to take her little daughter without anus for surgery in Delta state after over N400K was raised for her for the surgery.

It was revealed that the woman’s 4-year-old daughter identified as Emmanuella – has no anus as the mother claimed that the girl was defecating through her stomach after spending over N300,000 for her operation.

The mother cried out to a journalist named Sapele Oghenek, who took up her case and shared it on social media in May 2017, in a bid to raise money for further surgery for the child.

The pastor of Omega praise church reportedly gave the woman about N200,000 for the operation excluding another N200,000 raised by the journalist for the same purpose.

But since then, the woman has allegedly refused to take her child to the hospital for the surgery, while giving excuses.

The woman sent a message via Facebook to the journalist on 20th of November 2017, she wrote; “gud p.m she has fever n malaria we spent 3 days in Oghara, d doctor told us dat as far she is not well she cannot enter Theater and the operation will take place first week of January 2018.”

At the end of January, the journalist asked her again about the operation. The woman replied; ” gud morn saint i call u yesterday u did not pick,we went to oghara yesterday. normally her weight is 10 but n she weighs 8 and doctor said dat she needs vitamins n same kind of drug n she had malaria n some kind of food but i have bought some of them, thank u every much for ur support.”

After this, a team visited the woman and gave her the required food in order to boost the child’s weight. The team also dropped a cash of N50,000 (excluding other money she was given) before they booked the operation in 2 weeks time.

From January till now, the woman is yet to take her daughter to the hospital.

The journalist who shared the story online has decided to let the public know of the woman’s scam in order not to spoil the good works and help being rendered to those who really need it.

Source; National Helm

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