Monday 26 March 2018

Media Personality Daddy Freeze’s Reaction to Dangote’s Daughter’s Wedding

Daddy Freeze seems to be deviating from his normal criticism of Pastors. He has gone into analyzing Dangote’s daughter’s wedding that was held over the weekend.
He wrote this;
#FAMIL2018 #LessonsLearnt.

1: One of the richest men in the world, Bill Gates, was one of the most humble in his dressing.

2: Money and power know no religion.

3: The usual showbiz social butterflies and event whores, whored from their homes. (Mention one person who falls into this category) –
4: Those of from lesson (3) above, who managed to attend, where humbled and subdued, only managing to whimper on social media.

5: There was segregation…. REAL money was successfully quarantined away from entertainment money. –
6: If this could be done successfully in Nigeria, why are some people running abroad? –
7: Dangote has sent wedding planners back to the drawing boards.

8: All it took to slay a slay queen this weekend, was to show her an invite to this wedding. –
9: The bride and the groom were stunning… and despite the tremendous amount of wealth, both stayed #Humble #HappyPeople

10: The party is over now…. get back to work… if you want to be like Bill Gates or Dangote and have a wedding like this for your children, tomorrow is Monday and a perfect place to start putting those dreams into perspective and those plans Into action. ~FRZ



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